Giorgio Nardone

Psychologist & Psychotherapist


“Any sufficiently advanced technology
is indistinguishable from magic”

(Arthur C. Clarke)

Giorgio Nardone, founder of the Strategic Therapy Centre of Arezzo (where he carries out his activities as a psychotherapist and coach) along with Paul Watzlawick, of which he is the only direct pupil and successor, is considered the most prominent figure in the tradition of the Palo Alto School.
He is internationally recognised both for his creativity and his methodological rigour. This synthesis between “the artist” and “the scientist” allowed him to create dozens of innovative therapeutic techniques and to formulate specific treatment protocols, some of which are proper best practices of psychotherapy, such as in the case of phobic obsessive and compulsive disorders and eating disorders. In addition to the clinical setting, his activities and research concern Communication and Strategic Problem Solving applied to managerial contexts and artistic and sport performances. His theoretical and applied formulations are considered as a proper “School of Thought” which inspires scholars and professionals worldwide. He has held conferences and seminars for decades and he has presented his work in over 36 different countries.

Rigour, Creativity, Excellence

The Author

He has published over 40 texts. Most of them are translated into more than 10 languages. Some of them have been long/best sellers in bookstores around the world for over 25 years. He wrote dozens of textbook chapters and many articles in international scientific journals.

The Therapist

He has personally treated, with therapeutic success, the greatest number of patients: over 25,000 cases. He has held more than 3,000 conferences for the public and more than 1,000 specialised seminars and workshops throughout the world.

The Scientist

He patented 3 original intervention models: Brief Strategic Therapy, Strategic Problem Solving and Strategic Coaching. He formalised 30 treatment protocols and 40 therapeutic stratagems which were developed for different types of psychopathologies.

The Coach

More than 100 record holder athletes and international artists have been guided to overcome their limitations and improve their performance. He has trained and supervised hundreds of top managers to the implementation of strategic changes in their companies and organizations.


Giorgio Nardone graduated at the University of Siena, faculty of Education, with a thesis on philosophy of science. Subsequently, he conducted a research project on the epistemology of clinical psychology and of the various psychotherapy models, as an assistant to the Chair of Professor Mariano Bianca. In this work, he analysed the epistemological criteria of the different models of psychotherapy. He immediately realised that the only model among all that could stand up to this close examination was the one of the School of Palo Alto, that is, the works produced by the group of the Mental Research Institute in Palo Alto, California. In fact, the researchers of this Institute, leaded by Don. D. Jackson, formulated a model of “interactional” therapy based on the study of the effects of communication on behaviour and on mental health of human beings. Later, Paul Watzlawick developed a real theory on pragmatics of communication and change (Watzlawick et al., 1967, Watzlawick et al., 1974) along with a corresponding therapeutic intervention model applicable to a variety of mental disorders…



Over 40 published books were translated into over 10 languages. Some of them have been long/best sellers in bookstores around the world for over 25 years and others are used as textbooks in the best international Universities.
  • L’ anoressia giovanile. Una terapia efficace ed efficiente per i disturbi alimentari
  • La terapia degli attacchi di panico. Liberi per sempre dalla paura patologica
  • La nobile arte della persuasione. La magia delle parole e dei gesti
Tutti i Libri

Paul Watzlawick

In honour of the Master

Paul Watzlawick crossed the second half of the last century like a comet and illuminated generations of scholars and professionals with his ideas, his work and his writings, not only in the areas of psychology, psychiatry and sociology but also in fields away from the Humanities like economics and engineering or in «pure» sciences like physics and biology. In fact, his studies on communication and on change have crossed the barriers of his field and have been applied in various contexts…

Seminars and conferences

  • Conferenza
    1° Congreso de Terapia Breve Estratégica en España


For information and appointments: : every day from 1.00 pm to 8.00 pm

Tel: +39 0575 295992 oppure 0575 354853
Fax: +39 0575 350277



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